On April 26th, Beijing United Family Hospital hosted a visit for the WEC’s Girls in STEMM participants at the Beijing United Family Tianzhu Clinic in Shunyi district.2023年4月26日,北京和睦家医院接待了WE女性发展协会STEMM 女生项目来自北京三所国际学校的女学生代表参观了北京和睦家天竺综合门诊部。
The visit began with a warm welcome by Maggie Fu, Operation Manager, North Clinics, and Melissa Rodriguez, Patient Outreach and Education Manager, and Naturopathic Doctor, who took the students on a tour of the clinic. The tour included various facilities such as Family Medicine, specialty areas like ENT, Pediatrics, Dental, Dermatology, and the newly invested Rehab Center, which is used for rehabilitation training.首先,学生们在和睦家医院北区诊所运营经理傅博雪(Maggie Fu),外联与教育以及自然疗法医生Dr. Melissa(Melissa Rodriguez)的带领下参观了综合门诊部。包括家庭全科门诊、耳鼻喉科、儿科、牙科、皮肤科等专业诊区,以及新投资用于康复训练的康复中心。After the tour, Dr. Dev Akhbar, the Physical Therapist Director, talked about the history of UFH and interacted with the girls on the topic of diversity and inclusion. Dr. Dev also discussed common sports injuries that occur in everyday life and schools, and how to react in case of an injury.参观结束后,物理治疗师主任Dr.Dev (Dev Akhbar)给学生们介绍了和睦家医院的历史,并与她们就多元化和包容性话题进行了互相交流。此外,Dr. Dev还讨论了日常生活和学校中常见的运动损伤以及在受伤时应如何处理。
Dr. Melissa Rodriguez introduced the girls to naturopathic medicine and complementary therapies. She also shared some valuable soft skills that are essential in the healthcare profession in order to become a professional doctor.Melissa Rodriguez医生向女孩们介绍了自然疗法和补充疗法,同时分享了一些在医疗健康行业成为一名专业医生至关重要的宝贵软技能。 Dr. Aaron Soon, a Family Physician, shared his career in medicine with the girls and interacted with them on the topic of technology, demonstrating how to check for earwax using a portable device that can be displayed on a mobile phone or screen for quick diagnosis. He also shared some data on the gender gap in medical training and discussed his research that revealed the growing popularity of family medicine and the increasing demand for it in China. 家庭医生Dr. Aaron (Aaron Soon)与女孩们分享了他的医学生涯,并与她们就技术话题进行了相互探讨。为了方便医生快速诊断,他向学生们演示如何使用手机或屏幕投屏的便携式设备检查耳垢。他还分享了一些关于医疗培训中性别差距的数据并讨论了他的研究,研究表明家庭医学在中国越来越受欢迎,对家庭医学的需求也越来越大。After the presentations, the students had the opportunity to break up into small groups and interact with each doctor face-to-face, engaging in in-depth conversations about their professional career development, as well as their personal lives and how to balance work and life as a doctor. Meeting such a diverse group of medical professionals and observing their workday gives girls an inside perspective of what it takes to be a doctor and what drives them to do this incredibly challenging yet rewarding and essential job.医生们的演讲结束后,学生们有机会分成小组与每位医生面对面交流,深入讨论她们的职业发展、个人生活以及作为医生如何平衡工作和生活等话题。与如此多元化的医疗专业人士面对面观察他们的工作日,让女孩们从内心深刻了解成为一名医生需要具备什么条件,以及是什么动力驱使他们从事这份极具挑战性但意义重大的工作。Having conversations with leaders and professionals working in different fields allows the girls to gain real-world knowledge about the options available to them before making life-changing decisions about their future academic and career paths.与不同领域的领导者和专业人士对话,可以让女孩们在追求未来学术和职业的道路上,面临做出改变人生的重大决则时能学到一些实用知识,了解现实世界,做出自己的选择。
The Women Empowerment Council (WEC) is an engaged network of leaders and decision-makers that aims to advance gender equality in businesses in China and beyond.
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